΢Åĸ£Àû has an active research programme run by a highly qualified team. We undertake original research to offer insights into the nature of faith today, its role in people's lives and its impact across society, and we resource churches and Christian leaders to apply these insights to their mission.
So, if you’re a mission strategist, work for a charity, or are a journalist or academic, our research can help you.
We undertake regular surveys of opinion among practising Christians and church leaders. You can take part.
This groundbreaking work is captured in the Lumino pages. You can check out similar research on a global scale in The Patmos Survey. Among other recent work is an exploration of the Chinese Church in Britain and the impact of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on people’s perceptions of the Bible. We've also offered .
Chinese Christianity in Britain: its growth, mission and future
The Chinese Church is now the fastest-growing Church in the UK, according to a ΢Åĸ£Àû report. It has seen a 28.8 per cent growth in two years, largely in Cantonese congregations. The report reveals the unique characteristics of Chinese Christianity, and how it fits into the landscape of religion in the UK and your neighbourhood.
Mourning Elizabeth: the Bible in the Queen’s funeral
The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II featured the Bible throughout the service. It was viewed by millions around the world, making it the largest scriptural event in history. Find out how it was received by people in England and Wales, and what can it tell us about the future of religion in the public sphere.
General Election 2024: How will churchgoers vote?
During the election campaign we surveyed over 1,200 active Christians to find out how they’d vote and how the Bible influenced their decision. By comparing our findings with the research of others, including our partners at Theos, we’ve identified how the voting intentions of churchgoers differs from that of the wider population.
The Bible and politics: how do Christian leaders feel?
In the spring of 2024 we surveyed nearly 100 church leaders to find out how confident they were in talking about the Bible to their congregations and how the Bible influenced what they said. We identified some key themes in their responses – including the need for more support in this area.
The Patmos Survey: mapping the Bible around the world
΢Åĸ£Àû has worked with Gallup on a global research project to map attitudes to the Bible around the world. Named after John’s visions in Revelation, which diagnosed spiritual conditions in local contexts, the survey has already begun to produce insights that will shape conversations and equip churches for a generation.
Lumino: understanding belief in England and WalesÂ
Working with YouGov, ΢Åĸ£Àû conducted a huge survey into the spiritual landscape of people in England and Wales, focusing on people’s attitudes toward Christianity, the Bible and faith. This landmark survey provides a crucial mission tool for church leaders who want to understand their local community and how to engage with it.
For more information on any of our reports or programmes please get in touch by emailing [email protected].